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John Cleese, 84, spends £17k a year to look younger

The Fawlty Towers star has been having treatment for more than 20 years to combat the effects of ageing

John Cleese has revealed he spends £17,000 a year to pay for stem cell therapy in an attempt to combat the effects of ageing.
The 84-year-old Fawlty Towers star admitted that the fee was hefty but claimed that it is “worth it if you’re buying yourself a few extra years”.
Cleese, who has been having the treatment for more than 20 years, said he doesn’t “look bad” for his age after getting the “highest quality” cells from Switzerland.
Stem cells can act as a repair system for the body and can help specialists in regenerative therapies to aid major conditions like Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.
Last year, Prof Dr Ernst von Schwarz, a US-based clinical cardiologist, said Hollywood A-listers spend thousands of pounds on stem cell injections to fend off the ageing process.
Cleese told Saga magazine: “These cells travel around the body and when they discover a place that needs repair, they’ll then change into the cells that you want for repair, so they might become cartilage cells or liver cells.
“So I think that’s why I don’t look bad for 84.”
He admitted that he was paying around £17,000 every 12 to 18 months, adding: “But if you’re buying yourself a few extra years, I think it’s worth it.”
Cleese also credited Jennifer Wade, his fourth wife and 32 years his junior, for the spring in his step.
He added: “A lot of people comment and then the moment they actually see us together for two minutes they say ‘oh, I get it’ and it never arises again.
“What I love is that she’s 30 years younger than I am, but she keeps me young.
“I mean, it is sad to think I shall die some time before she will, but I’m in pretty good health.
“I’m not fit, but the way I put it is the doctors don’t yet know what I’m going to die of.”
Cleese’s use of stem cell therapy as anti-aging treatment is fast becoming the “new normal” among A-listers and Prof Schwarz has claimed that it makes some of his clients’ skin appear as much as 10 years younger.
He said: “There’s a lot of Hollywood people, as I mentioned earlier, they come to us before red carpets just to get a facial injection because I mean, it does rejuvenate your skin, [it] means they, they glow, they look younger because of increased collagen production after a few days because of improved circulation.”
The injection process can help to rebuild collagen under skin layers, he explained, which helps to give the face a more full and youthful appearance. The stem cells also help to repair epithelial cells, which are a type of cell that covers the inside and outside surfaces of the body.
Stars who have reportedly turned to stem cell treatment, which is not FDA-approved for any disease outside certain forms of cancer, for various tissue regeneration and repairs, include actor Charlie Sheen for a shoulder injury.
Sports celebrities who have also had similar procedures reportedly include Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafael Nadal and David Beckham.
Speaking to BBC Radio 2 about his stem cell treatments in 2019, Cleese said: “If they [the stem cells] are introduced into your body, the body doesn’t recognise them as foreign objects so it doesn’t reject them.
“They go around your body saying, ‘Do you need our services today?’ The knee says ‘I need you over here’, and they go over and turn into knee cells and help to repair the damage.”
